Resources to get your patients started on Gelclair

Taking Gelclair1

Available in 15 mL single-dose pouches (sachets)

Administer 3x daily or as needed

Advisepatients to avoid eating or drinking for 30-60 minutes following application

Patient instructions for use1:
  1. Pour contents with 40 mL (3 tbsp) of water

  2. Stir mixture well

  3. Rinse in mouth for at least 1 minute

  4. Gargle and spit out

Download Instructions for Use

For further patient information, please refer to the Instructions For Use.

Support for your patients

Napo Pharmaceuticals is committed to ensuring cost for Gelclair is never a barrier to patient access.

NapoCares™ offers a suite of support services for your patients

Copay Savings Program*

Insurance support and uninsured assistance program

Prior authorizations and appeals

Mail-order pharmacy support

Patient call center

Access and support through GoodRx Prescription Services

Most of your eligible patients will pay less than $2 per day*

Patient must have commercial insurance for eligibility. Subject to change or cancellation at any time and without notice.

Subject to eligibility. Restrictions apply. Rx only.

Not a coverage guarantee.

For questions and support:

Phone: (877) 219-7537
Fax To: (877) 219-7548
M-F 9:00AM-5:00PM ET

  1. Gelclair Instructions for Use. Napo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.